Appreciate Others

You know that giddy feeling you get when someone compliments your good works? Yes, that is very important. Everyone should feel that from time to time. Working hard and not seeing your work being appreciated really does feel terrible.

We don’t have to give everyone an award for doing their job well. Sometimes, all it takes is a small token of appreciation. You could give them a pat on the back accompanied by “Good Job!” or maybe a cup of coffee. There are many ways in which you could appreciate someone.

I know that too much compliments may lead someone to think they are invincible. But no compliments at all will lead to despair and disappointments.

A comment or two may be just what the person needs to go on with their hard work on that day. These little encouragements will get them through their hardest days. It is a wonder how small encouragements moves people to accomplish great things.

So, go out there and be generous with your appreciation of others. Appreciation is very contagious, much like kindness.  Who knows, it may come around back to you.

I Am NOT Sorry!

When people tell me that I should not dress a certain way, my instinct is to ask them “who said?” Unfortunately, it does seem a little disrespectful to some. So, I nod my head,  give a fake smile and walk away. Make no mistake, I definitely shouted it in my head for whoever in my head to hear.

The only exception to this is when there is a dress code. That is when I would gladly follow the rules, whatever they may be. The best is when I get to dress up for a special occasions.

But on a daily basis, I do have many people who come to me specifically to tell me how to dress myself. Sometimes, it does make me self-concious but other times, I wonder how my dressing affects them to the point that they have to give me a lecture about dressing.

I am NOT sorry that my exposed arms are making you uncomfortable. I am NOT sorry that my “fat” legs are making you angry (your eyes should be up here!) I am also NOT sorry that my belly rolls are making you feel like you need to leave the room. I am not sorry.

This is my body and only I have the right to choose what to wear. I won’t tell you how to dress no matter how badly your choices of clothing are. Until my dressing is a threat to your health and safety, keep your opinions to yourself.

To everyone else who struggle with this, you should not be sorry. You have every right to dress yourself however you want to! Do not let anyone tell you what you can or cannot wear. It is your body!



When was the last time that you really laughed? I don’t mean a small chuckle or a giggle. I mean a full laugh where your stomach clenches and your hands start slapping everything around you. Do you remember what made you laugh?

For me, I laugh the most when I am stressed. A small thing will tickle me and I end up on the floor laughing for minutes. That is the sign that I should probably de-stress. But those are often the best laughs.

What about the time you made someone else laugh? It doesn’t matter if it was something you said or did. What matters most is the impact on the person laughing. That is why laughing and making others laugh is so important.

Laughing helps build relationships and bonds. That is why my daily goal is to at least make one person laugh because I have come to realize how important laughter is. You may not need but someone else might. So go out there and laugh like you have never laughed before.

Take The First Step

Take the first step.

Trying something new is always a scary situation. The fear of making mistakes is always present. But, life is all about change and new beginnings. Therefore, we should try to take the first step. Here is some of my own tips on how to be prepared for something new.


  • Research, research and research!


Let’s say you need to get your driver’s license. What do you do? You could go online and learn all the different road signs. You can also read blogs about other people’s experiences . Besides that, you could also make it fun by playing some driving games. It is not the same, but it does help make you less anxious.


  • Talk to people.


Talking to others is also a good way to calm your jittery heart. Talk to someone who has experience like your parents or cousins. Find out about their experience. Although you might not have the same experience, you could definitely benefit from their lessons. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


  • Keep an open mind.


New experiences does not mean that you will like what you do. I did not like driving and still do not till this day. However, I still keep an open mind about driving because like every other human being, I do need to get from point A to point B. So, remove all thoughts and let the experience guide you.


Fresh Air

I sat beside an open window today to enjoy the fresh air. It was truly relaxing and refreshing. Then it hit me. In our lives, we need to sit down and feel the fresh air once in a while. 

We can get so caught up with all the buzz that we forget to even breathe. That is why ever so often, we need to sit down and take in all the fresh air. Here is how you can do it. 

  • Actually go outside and breathe the fresh air. 
  • Go for a hike. 
  • Go shopping. 
  • Read a good book.
  • Take a swim. 
  • Head to your nearest amusement park. 
  • Visit a museum. 
  • Stay home and cook a nice meal.
  • Play with some (cute) animals. 
  • Meet up with friend and family. 
  • Netflix and popcorn 🙂 

These little outings can really help with your moods especially when you are stressed out. So, go out there and get some fresh air! 

Give Up? Never!

Give Up? Never!

Just when everything looks bleak, it is where the tide changes. Day must give up so the night can take over. No one will have bad seasons forever. The sun will come out again and you will rise up again.

Look, it is easier said than done. Truth is, giving up is a lot easier than holding on and persevering. Waiting for a miracle is often exhausting, but the reward will be worth it. Nothing feels better than a victory after a long fight.

Remember that time you aced a test? What about the times you succeeded in something that you have been practicing for a long time? All the prayers that were answered, it is because you held on and did not give up.

Hope is present as long as you hold on. So hold on as tight as you can! Victory belongs to those who wait patiently and persevere. Do not let anyone take that away from you. Keep pushing on and you will get what you deserve!

Keep your head up, stay grounded and hold on!

Why am I Here?

Why am I here?

Have you ever thought why you are here, on earth? What is your purpose? What is the reason to your existence? Deep questions, I know. But, you can’t deny that it does bug you to a certain extent, not knowing the answers.

Now, I don’t claim to know the answers to these questions myself. I only know the tip of the iceberg. It is through a lot of soul searching that I have found a small piece of why I am here.

Let’s start with what you love doing. A doctor’s purpose is to heal and save. A doctor starts from wanting to heal and save, which comes from his love to help others. Healing and saving is one of the ways that his love manifest itself. So, what do you love doing?

Next, what are you good at? Do you have a special talent or skill? A lawyer has good communication skills. With that, he or she is able to help the innocent obtain justice. His or her skills are vital for the work that he or she does. What is your talent or skill?

Lastly, how can you use your skill to make the world a better place? I believe that all jobs are noble. The difference is how one uses their skill and talent to take the job to the next level. A doctor can save lives in the operating theater, a lawyer can obtain justice for the innocent, and a garbage collector can make the earth a cleaner place for future generations.

It all depends on how sensitive you are to the needs around you, be it people or the environment. We can all rise up to make the world a better place and that is our purpose on earth.

Just Turn Away

Just turn away…

Everyday, we encounter at least one thing that gets us real mad. It may happen right when you wake up or before you go to bed. There were days when I was sporting a frown the whole day because something happened right when I woke up. A whole 24 hours gone, because of that ten seconds.

What I have learned throughout my short but long life is to just turn away. We can’t control all the nasty things that happen to us, but we can control how we react to them. Do we let that small matter ruin our day or do we turn away and enjoy what is ahead?

One good trick is to take long deep breaths when we are angry. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat for as long as it takes for you to calm down. The trick is to stop the anger from spreading.

Once you are calm, think about what happened. Ask yourself this question. Is is worth it that I should spend the whole day being angry? If your answer is “no,” then turn away from it.

Once you learn to turn away from anger or whatever it is that is ruining your day, you will realize that life has so much more to offer when you are not burning with anger 24/7. Furthermore, the people around you would also benefit from your cheerfulness!

Remember, life is too short to not enjoy every moment! Cheers!

Bye Bye Hulk!

Once in a while, we all get a little angry. Sometimes our smile turns upside down, and sometimes, we become green, big, and say “hulk smash”. Anger is an emotion that cannot be denied. It comes and goes as it pleases and most of the time, it is caused by something (or someone) else. There are times where we, (girls!) get angry for no reason. It may seem harmless, but anger is actually very bad for you and the people around you, especially the teddy bear that got thrown halfway across the room. That is why I am here today to give you some anger management hacks to help you get through your “hulk” phases in life.


  1. Take deep breaths!

We all have seen that one scene in the delivery room where the soon-to-be mother breathes in and out awkwardly. That is how we should breath when we the “hulk” is trying to be free. Take deep and full breaths and exhale through your mouth. Do this for about ten times and you would feel a little less angry than you were before. If you are finding it hard, count along as you breathe.


  1. Distract yourself!

If your computer makes you angry, walk away. Similar if your friend makes you angry, just leave the room for a couple of minutes. However, if your boss makes you angry, politely ask to be excused unless you are planning on quitting, then by all means storm out of the room. Distraction helps you calm down and avoid doing something irrational, such as throwing your two-thousand-dollar laptop on the floor or punching your boss in the face.


  1. Take a shower/bath.

If nothing goes your way, take a bath or a shower. They never disappoint (true story). Just take your time in the bathroom, enjoy the hot or cold water, and maybe have your own mini concert. You can be anyone in the shower, a singer, a dancer, a politician etc. Let the water wash away the anger. Even if it doesn’t work, you will come out of the shower clean, shaven (if you do) and fresh. How can anyone be angry and feel so good at the same time?


  1. Talk (or yell it out) to a friend.

Find a friend whom you can trust, (and is not angry at that moment) and talk to them. Be free and yell, shout, and scream all you want. Say whatever you need to say to let out your anger and frustrations. Do make sure your friend is someone who is calm, who will talk you out from doing anything that will potentially bring harm. After you have vented out your anger and frustration, both of you could grab a coffee and be merry.


  1. Exercise!!

Not only does doing exercise help you manage your anger, it also makes you fit. Basically, you would be killing two birds with one stone. When we are angry, there is often excess energy and adrenaline rush in us. Therefore, doing light or heavy exercise, bringing your heart rate up, can help tremendously. If you are someone who gets angry often, try this tip. It will help you manage your anger and also give you the abs or butt that you have been dreaming of.


Stay sweet lovelies 🙂